Heat rash in the crease of my legs

Rash in groin? Jock Itch? - Plus Size and.
Red irritation in skin crease/fold on.
very itchy red blotchy rash on torso,.
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At her place I did not have those creams, but the clotrimazole was there so, I decided I would just put that on in case I washed off the prescribed creams, as a backup.
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My rash started two weeks ago. I first noticed two red spots that appeared in the shower and only itched when the hot shower got to them. I didn't think much of them.
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Heat rash in the crease of my legs
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Heat rash in the crease of my legs
Rash in groin? Jock Itch? - Plus Size and. rash between leg and scrotum - MedHelpLose the Heat 3 - Friv Fan
Hi Welcome to the MedHelp forum! If you have lumps in crease of elbow and knee, then these could either be cysts or ganglions. They could also be neurofibromas